Sunday, April 17, 2011

Deep water mark, Co. Limerick, 17-April-2011

People: Me

Duration: 10:45 am until 3.20 pm

Tide: 11:49 (0.10m) 18:10 (5.30m)

Weather: Eastery breeze with sun and cloud

Bait: Eel, Mack, Squid

Rigs: Pulleys 2/0-3/0. 2 hooks golds 1/0

Results: 2 small ray 3lb and 2lb

Report: Another spring low water and I couldn't resist hitting this mark again after such good returns but it was a quiter session this time with the crabs stripping my large baits in minutes and only two small ray caught. This was a much bigger tide of over 5 meter differential which had the tide running shortly before and after low water.
As the tide flooded hard it brought the bladder weed in. I had a nice boucing tip of a ray bite and after a bit of pressure I had a 3lb ray up on the bank just before 1pm. I decided not to take a picture in the hope of something biggers so I only have a picture of the 2lb ray that came in to sand eel squid directly a few minutes later to the same rod

The weed kept coming in in larger quantities resulting in two lost rigs. The last 20 minutes I had a running ledger with mackerel head and guts for a conger as the conger patrol the channels at this stage of the tide but it was ripped apart by crabs and if the crabs are out the conger aren't

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