Monday, June 6, 2011

Clare, 5-June-2011

People: Me. Tom and few others arrived later.

Duration: I fished 12.10pm until 12:40pm at first mark and 1:20pm until 4:50pm

Tide: 14:38 0.90m 20:58 4.70m

Weather: Strong NW wind

Bait: Mack, Eel and squid,

3 hook size 1/2 clipped up and golds on one rod
4/0 penel pulley on other rod

Results: 14 dogs and a 26 cm dab all in lobbing distance

Report: As the wind was blowing NW I went to the clare side for shelter opting for a mark that baitdigger and others have had some ray and huss recently from. It is a well know ray mark that we have a comp on in two weeks and I fancied an outside chance of getting my first huss of the year. The wind was blowing but it wasn't to bad so I set up. By the time I'd baited up ready for a cast my tripod was near being blown over. After fighting a big lump of weed on my first casts I decided to give up as likely hood of good fishing here was poor. Unfortunately I didn't have strong line or the leads for a near by marks that could of given huss and I didn't have the time to move further down the estuary so I opted for a comfortable rock mark near Kilrush that is a banker for fish though they do tend to be dogs.

My first cast gave me a dog and with a couple in the bag Tom O'Sullivan a few others arrived along. As the flood came in so did the dogs. I was using 6oz leads which the dogs  were triping and bringing up stream. I should of switched to 7 oz and had elastic bands in the bag to get multiple hook up and I only had one double. What I was really hoping for was a bonus huss, ray or strap but none were to be found. All the fish were caught will lobs out mainly to plain sand eel. Except the last cast which was three hooks of mackerel that produced reasonable dab.

My three hook clipped up rig produced more fish as it can tend to here so I switched to that whole time in the end. Though the golds gets me more ray I thought the pulley would keep this option open. Saying that the dogs were also hitting the pulley with 4/0 hooks and 60lb line. Nice to hit a few fish though.

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