Sunday, September 23, 2012

Deep water mark, Co. Limerick, 16th-September-2012

People: Me
Duration: 11.30am until 3.20pm
Tide: 12:31 0.40m 18:48 5.20m
Weather: NW Moderate gale to calm with heavy showers to gale
Bait: Mack, Eel, squid
Rigs: Running ledgers with 4/0 hook and pulleys with penel  with 4/0 2/0 hook
 9 ray. A few smallers one but the biggest was around 9lb

I went out with the intention of fishing a sheltered mark, as the wind was blowing, 2 hours either side of low water with the intention of getting ray and a decent chance of a good huss or conger. I was going to mix up pulleys and ledgers to see which worked best. I find a one up one down the ray always take the top hook but the big congers take the hook below the lead here.

 I arrived down to good conditions with only a wave the other at distance. First three cast produced three ray to mackerel squid on ledger and pulleys.

First fish

Most of the fish were this size
 After that the wind and wave picked up and the bites went dead. I cast farther out with one rod searching for more fish while with the second rod I searched closer. At low water the fishing picked up again with most of the fish coming close in to ledgers. This may of been just due to casting my ledgers close in only as some fish did come to pulleys but I concentrated on the ledgers. This produced fish on the shortest of casts with false casts producing. At the end I had one last fish with a lob when normally the fishing would of been dead due to the tide run. No conger or huss but I can't complain about the fishing especially when I get a fish like the one below that bent my rod over with it's dives.

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