Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fav mark, co limerick, #fishirl, 27-June-2012

People: Me

Duration: 6.00pm until 9.40pm

Tide: 18:03 1.30m 00;23 4.20m

Weather: Moderate westerly

Bait: Mack, Eel, squid

Rigs: Pulleys penels

Dog, Fresh water eel and Dab


Poor fishing but the wind blew hard a times causing a wave. Caught a fine sized fresh water eel that must of been 2 lb that snotted my pulley.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Corlis , Co Clare, #fishirl, 10-June-2012

People: 6 anglers

Duration: 12:00 pm until 4:00pm

Tide: 11:01 4.20m 16:57 1.20m

Weather: Pleasant

Bait: Mack, Eel, squid

Rigs: Mainly running ledgers 4/0 by me


I think I had 4 fish with a couple of them huss the rest dogs. Got the biggest fish below and my of come second. Winner had 9 fish.